The University of Massachusetts compared the anti-inflammatory activity of the American Crude Emu Oil and the Australian Crude Emu Oil and found no differences. Recently, the American Emu Association gathered crude emu oil samples from 9 countries around the world, including Australia, Canada and New Zealand. These samples were gathered, tested and compared to the fatty acid analysis of American emu oil and the findings were that there are no significant differences in crude emu oil regardless of the country of origin.
What is an Emu? It is a flightless, grey-feathered ratite bird of Australia, closely related to the ostrich. Emu oil is obtained from a thick pad of fat on the back of the bird that was initially provided by nature to protect the animal from the extreme temperatures of its Australian homeland. For centuries, the aborigines of Australia have been applying Emu oil to their wounds with excellent results. Today, more and more it is being added to products to increase their effectiveness. It is found in foods, muscle pain relievers, skin care products and natural soaps. Emu oil is non-irritating. Its color varies from light ivory to yello to light orange, there's no guarantee of how each batch will look and feel.
Our Emu oil is a blend of both the lighter and heavier fractions of emu oil and has a creamy consistency. It has been refined based on industry standard processes.This chemical free form of AEA Certified Grade A Fully Refined Pure Emu Oil doesn't contain any fillers, dyes, or perfumes.
Some of its known properties are: Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, skin regenerative, high in oleic acid (oleic acid has better skin-penetrating qualities than vegetable oils), moisturizing, doesn't clog pores, penetrates through several layers of skin. The oil is almost odorless but this will vary from batch to batch. We have never had a batch that had a strong or objectionable odor.
Some of its known uses are: Assists with the healing of bed sores. When applied to a new cut, scrape or burn, assists with prevention of scars. Provides sunburn relief. Makes a wonderful massage oil for muscle aches and strains. Very helpful for arthritis pain and inflammation. Provides canker sore relief. Useful for diaper and heat rash. Great as a massage on children who have "growing pains" in their extremities.
Assists with prevention of stretch marks; once stretch marks are present, assists with eliminating accompanying dryness and itchiness. Makes tight skin more supple. Good skin lubricant; also useful in sexual applications. Many people use so-called "baby oil" for their babies, for their skin care, and for sexual lubrication but usually the main ingredient in "baby oil" is mineral oil which is derived from petroleum. This is what thousands and thousands of people are using on their babies and on their private parts. Is it any wonder that every day more cancers and unusual diseases are being found in infants, children and adults?
In Soapmaking: This almost odorless, slightly thick (not clear) oil has a color ranging from ivory to light yellow which will vary from batch to batch and is a wonderful ingredient for soapmaking. Emu oil is moisturizing and adds hardness along with good lathering. Emu oil, when first applied to the skin, is greasy; however, within 5-10 minutes one notices that the oil is slowly being absorbed by the skin leaving a great feeling of overall smoothness on the skin. You can use it straight or you can add essential oils of your choice. The bottle of Emu oil should be shaken ever so lightly to mix the contents prior to each use. Store in a cool, dark place, away from direct sun and heat. Shelf life when properly stored is @1 year. Fatty Acid Composition: Oleic 45-50%, Palmitic 22-25%, Stearic 8-10%, Linoleic 6-10%, Free Fatty Acids less than 6%, Iodine Value 50-80. SAP Value: 175-200. Flash point: >140 deg. C, >284 deg. F. INCI: Emu oil.
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Certificate of Analysis (CofA) and Safety Data Sheet (SDS). We publish on our website those documents for most of our products, some products don't provide either because the product doesn't require it. In this same section where you're at now, please look to the tab to the left titled Documents, click on it and that's where you'll find either document for the product you seek. If you do not find the document you require, please email us at please email us at Customerservice@camdengrey.com so we can research further.
BULK ITEMS: When a customer adds a bulk item to the cart, the customer’s immediately shown on the screen how many number of days should be allowed for the bulk product to arrive at our location with the minimum being 12 business days counting from the business day after the customer placed the order on our site.
EO = essential oil
FO = fragrance oil
Essential oils: Are sold only in the quantities/net weights listed on our website. These oils are shipped to us by the distiller or manufacturer in industry-standard metal or plastic containers and that’s how we ship them to you.
Carrier oils and most other liquids are dispensed in individual HDPE plastic pails or containers with some type of handle, each container holds the purchased net weight of liquid.
Soft butters such as Horsetail and Almond are dispensed in plastic HDPE pails w/metal handles; those butters may remain inside the pails indefinitely when properly stored. Hard butters such as Cocoa are dispensed factory-wrapped in plastic and placed inside a box. Castile Gel is dispensed in a self-contained cubitainer with pouring spout.
NOTE: While the packaging methods mentioned above are generalized, we reserve the right to dispense and ship in any available container. If a customer at any time feels more comfortable transferring an essential or carrier oil to glass, this should be done.
Raw materials/ingredients are sold and dispensed by weight. Many customers ask how many ounces are in a pound, there are 16 ounces in one pound. These are not fluid ounces, they are ounces by weight.
HOW TO STORE: EOs, FOs and BUTTERS should be stored in tightly-sealed containers away from direct light and heat. Some EOs and FOs could be highly flammable, keep away from open flames and from varnished or wood surfaces. Keep all liquids and powders you purchase from Camden-Grey tightly capped and away from the reach of children, the elderly or infirm and pets. Refrigerating butters could adversely affect the consistency of a butter, please join our Forum if you need to learn how to handle, work with and store products. The link is towards the top right green section of our pages.